Monday, December 7, 2015

Soto Betawi Recipes

Soto Betawi is a type of soup that uses coconut milk sauce for material sotonya. Basic materials used to cook beef that has in part and beef offal. The issue of taste do not doubt, Soto Betawi has a savory taste with fresh coconut milk and more savory if added to the sauce.
Want to know how to manufacture soto Betawi tasty and delicious it? Cekidot peep the following recipe:

Ingredients To Make Soto Betawi
(1/2 kilogram) beef tenderloin in
(1/2 kg) beef Offal
(200 ml) Coconut milk viscous
(1 1/2 liter) Air mature
(3 tablespoons) cooking oil for sauteing
 (2 pieces) fresh red tomatoes
Fried onion to taste
Chives to taste
Fried chips taste
Bumbu Soto Betawi
(2 sheets) Bay leaves
(2 sticks) Serai
(1 segment) Ginger
(1 segment) Galangal
(10 cloves) Onion
(1 teaspoon) pepper powder
Salt and flavoring to taste.
Cooking / Create Soto Betawi

1. Cut the meat and beef offal into small, washing up bersih.Tiriskan.
2. Boil chunks of beef, beef offal, and bay leaves together until beef and beef offal half-baked. Remove and drain.
3. Boil back cuts of meat and beef offal with 1 1/2 liter water.
4. Keprek ginger, galangal and lemongrass.
5. Puree onion and salt until completely smooth.
6. Heat the oil and seasoning that has been mashed tumislah was with ginger, galangal and lemongrass. Saute until cooked and fragrant. lift.
7. Enter spice stir earlier into beef stew, stir well. Enter flavoring and coconut milk. Stir again, lest broken coconut milk. Cook until boiling and meat and beef offal was really soft. Lift.

 Serving method

- Iris-thinly sliced ​​scallions.
- Shopping tomatoes into small sections.
- Pour the soup into bowls, sprinkle with chives, fried onions, sliced ​​tomatoes and fried chips.
- Can be equipped with lime and chili.

Keep love on Indonesia traditional food and tourism destination with following

Putu Cake, Tradisional Tasty Cake from java island

Cake Recipes Today – do you likes the same traditional cake? Yups, who admit love, let’s preserve the culinary heritage of this archipelago. Not until the tasty snacks such as cakes Putu is lost as western foods there.
Create younger generation, not one .. putu has a delicious flavor, tasty, sweet and savory taste. Because it's super delicious, pastry putu become one of the favorite snacks.
Putu cake Will taste better if it is eaten during times of afternoon rain, accompanied by a cup of hot coffee or hot tea. Yummy ..
Hemm, how the heck do I make this Putu cake at home? What are the necessary ingredients to make a cake Putu? Rather than constantly wondering how to do, let's follow the recipe...

The materials of Putu:
400 gr rice flour
150 gr grated coconut (coconut morbidly too young / old)
150 grams of brown sugar, fine comb
Enough water
Salt to taste / 1 tsp
1 pandan leaves
Bamboo mold (diameter of 3 to 5 cm)
Banana leaves to taste
How to Make Puto:
Boil water in a pan, then put salt and enter pandan leaves, stir briefly until the salt dissolves and the aroma of fragrant pandan leaves.
Meanwhile, pour the rice flour into the basin. Pour warm water (1) gradually while stirring until the flour mixture to form fine granules.
After that, put the batter into the prepared mold bamboo (Fill half).
Enter the brown sugar which has been combed smooth, cover the top with a little dough.
If so, prepare a steamer for steaming cake Putu. Steam for 10 minutes. While waiting for a mature Putu cake, prepare a baking sheet or plate that has been coated with banana leaves.

Lift putu ripe cake and serve. (Do not forget sprinkle Putu cake with grated coconut).

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Tasty and Easy Tekwan Palembang Recipes :)

Recipes How to Make Tekwan Palembang The Tasty and Easy. It’s cooking time ya .. This time we try to make tekwan huh? Yes, tekwan known as a typical soup Palembang that you know ..!
Ehh, talking about tekwan, it turns out these snacks have some variation of, you know, the Bund. There is a genuine tekwan palembang, and there is also a modern tekwan already developed and modified from the original. Well, that we will create this time was a combination of both, and do not leave tekwan Typical palembang aesthetic authenticity.
As we know this is usually the dough stuffing Tekwan tuberose flowers dry, sanrai ebi, fish rounded, mushroom, or peeled shrimp, jicama, and vermicelli. And we will use this material in part.
Materials And Condiments Tekwan
Materials & Seasoning
meat mackerel: 100 gr
Sago flour: 1 tbsp
Salt: 2 tsp
Mushroom: 2 lbr
cooking oil: 2 tbsp
garlic: 4 cloves
dry ebi: 1 tbsp
dried tuberose flower: 8 connective
Bengkuang: 50 gr
Flavoring(if like): Sufficiently
Water 800 ml
Supplementary material :
Glass noodles and fried onion

How to cook:
 Thinly sliced ​​mushroom, cut into matchsticks sized jicama, chopped dried shrimp and garlic and set aside.
Mix the fish, ½ teaspoon salt, flavoring flavor and sago flour, set aside.
Heat oil, put chopped dried shrimp, chopped garlic. Then stir-fry until fragrant, add water, 1 ½ tsp salt, and flavorings. Cook until boiling.
Put the mixture mackerel spoonful after spoonful until dough tekwan exhausted. Next add the water chestnuts, mushroom and tuberose flower-cooked and well blended.
Serve artificial Tekwan mother while warm, do not forget to give glass noodles and a sprinkling of fried onions. Yummi

Yummi, Recipes and Easy Ways to Make Tekwan Typical Palembang Simple Seasoning was ready made. Let's Make this recipe blog as your favorite blog. And if you've got a recipe your work, just send us your story HERE. Your recipe will be published in this blog know ..! Do not forget to Share Bro ..? : *